
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Publishing wilderness

So I wrote a book, and now I have to promote it.

I've read so many articles on "How to promote your book" that I believe that all of those articles are missing a few things. So as to whether or not my expertise will pay off remains to be seen, but I believe those things are:

1). Hard Work: - You have to keep grinding away at things.
2). Promote locally - So far I've dropped off and posted close to 60 fliers at different locations.
3). Pass out free copies. Give them away. Send them out to your personal heroes (put no strings attached in the message) if they like it they'll tell others. If they just thank you, then that alone can be awesome incentive to keep grinding away at things. Besides they are heroes for a reason, and this is a chance for you to give back to them.
4). Make friends with others who have walked that path, whether or not they are authors of books or not and learn from them. I'm an active fan of the underground hip-hop scene in real life, and I can tell you that my favorite performing artists go out and break a sweat every single day to try to reach more fans. And there is no magic formula - sometimes the best get noticed, but too often they get ignored.
5). Keep the basics polished such as your Author's Page, write a compelling book description on your sales page, pay attention to SEO tags for your blogs, etc.
6). Make pages for intriguing characters such as: RianaAt'toock, Chris Quesada,  and Joshua Hughes.
7). Properly target your audience to stand out above the rest. The eBook world is over saturated with Zombies, and Space Zombies, so ask yourself what makes your story stand out?

News articles about me and my book (to be updated weekly):
Here's my first news article to appear and it's on

Other cool news:
The guy who writes Dr. McNinja is reading my book!

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